
By topic: Services / Software / Teaching



PET is a toolbox for ensemble based Data-Assimilation developed and maintained by the data-assimilation and optimization group at NORCE Norwegian Research Centre AS.

DAPPER Permalink


DAPPER is a set of templates for benchmarking the performance of data assimilation (DA) methods. The tests provide experimental support and guidance for new developments in DA.

NEDAS Permalink


NEDAS is a light-weight Python solution for implementing ensemble data assimilation methods for geophysical models, it utilizes MPI for parallelization and has a modular function-based design that allows algorithmic flexibility. NEDAS is an ideal test envir...

EnKF-seir Permalink


Multi-group SEIR model with age classes in an ensemble DA system for predicting spread of the Coronavirus.

Interactive Sequential-decision Geosteering Benchmark


The project allows to compare the decision skills of people and robots for a synthetic multi-target geosteering scenario. The code includes: Server, Client, and Ensemble-Based Decision Support System with uncertainties updated using the EnKF. The Benchmark ...



Leveraging the latest conditional Generative Adversarial Networks (GANs) with spatially adaptive denormalization (SPADE), we establish a novel ensemble-based workflow that effectively captures complex geological patterns. The code performs Bayesian history-...

Tutorials on Data Assimilation Permalink

teaching materials

Introduction to data assimilation and the EnKF. Interactive tutorials, including, theory, code, and exercises. Runnable right in the cloud (no installation). Duration ≈ 10 hours.

History Matching Permalink

teaching materials

Introduction to history matching with ensemble methods (ES, IES and more). Interactive tutorials, also including theory and code. Runnable right in the cloud (no installation). Duration ≈ 3 hours.

EnKF-analysis Permalink


Fortran-90 routines for EnKF analysis. Stochastic and SQRT formulations with subspace inversion.

PerfEst Permalink


Toolbox for simulating tissue blood circulation, and estimating the perfusion.