A meta-institute regrouping and coordinating expertise on data assimilation in Norway.

Data Assimilation (DA)

The science of optimally combining sparse data and computational models, both of which are typically inhomogeneous and large. Based on classical statistics, signal processing, and control systems theory, and increasingly, machine learning, DA is primarily developed in weather, climate, and oceanographic forecasting. DA is presently used all across the geosciences (hydrology, seismology, glaciology, ecosystemology) and beyond (petroleum reservoirs management, aerodynamic design, medicine, epidemiology, finance, etc.).

Recent highlights

NorCPM flowchart


The Norwegian Climate Prediction Model (NorCPM) provides seasonal and decadal climate predictions. It runs the Norwegian Earth System Model (NorESM, based on CESM) using the Ensemble Kalman Filter (EnKF) data assimilation method.

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Book cover: Data Assimilation Fundamentals

Data Assimilation Fundamentals

New textbook. A Unified Formulation of the State and Parameter Estimation Problem

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PET logo


DA and optimisation toolbox in Python

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Norheimsund, Norway

EnKF workshop 2025

June 16-19, Ullensvang, Norway

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NORCE logo

NORCE Norwegian Research Centre

The data assimilation and optimisation group at NORCE consists of around 20 researchers, all experts on ensemble-based methods. The group initiated research into data assimilation and optimisation for petroleum reservoir management.


NERSC logo

Nansen Environmental and Remote Sensing Center

Home of the EnKF, researchers at NERSC focus on geophysical (climate, oceanographic) applications, with particular focus on the Arctic North Atlantic and remote sensing, but not only.
